Wednesday, April 30, 2008


When I was nine I was admitted to the hospital and I was in isolation, they never knew what I had could this be contagious or what. I was in isolation for at least two weeks, it felt terrible.

Sharona and I have lice. Is this an isolation thing or what? Sharona has had the nix shampoo three times already and I have spent hours taking the nits out of her hair, and I'm not done yet. The school is okay with her returning to school, I talked to the principal and the teacher. I am doing what I can.

On Sunday I never thought twice about weather or not we go to church, later that day I did see some live lice in her hair. I knew then that we should shampoo again, this was now the second time the first time was thursday night. This time I cut her hair, she did use conditioner by mistake not realizing that I would be nixing her hair. In my growing up we went to church and stayed home for nothing sunday mornings. I feel that I have offended some one for
coming to church.

On Monday she went to school and Tuesday I kept her home: we washed our sheets for the second time.

I do remember going through this before and I never really made a big deal about it and it didn't take a long time to get rid of either.

Are we expected to stay in isolation? from church? life group? everywhere except school? And for how long?

I am not able to take my own nits out of my hair, is there anyone who can help me. I have asked Stephen several times and he still hasn't he says there are no more bugs in my hair. I have uses nix once and mainase and even vinager, I might be allergic to vinager.

I do think I am making slow progress with Sharona's hair. Why do we think this is a thing that means we are dirty? Why does it feel so terrible? Is it because I hate being isolated from the world.

1 comment:

Trail Rider said...

you haven't offended me Colleen. It's all good! Love you lots! It's a health concern...that's all. No more, no less....I hope and pray, as I said to you on the phone, that this will not break down our relationship. Let's not let the enemy take anything! It's only a health concern. Being that lice are extremely contagious, this is why making sure the lice are taken care of is so important. Love you guys, and don't let this bring condemnation. Lots of people get lice, in fact many from our church! In a couple of months, this will all be forgotten.....
