Friday, April 11, 2008

Play Day with Caleb

Today was Caleb's day off from school, he only goes to school four days a week. Instead of doing my regular routeen Iplayed with Caleb. We both had our baths separatly then I made coffee and we played the memory game. The games pretty close we usually had only one or two points sepparting our scores, and I always play my best and was very good at remembering the score, just like a hockey annoucer. We basically played the memory game all morning and then we went for a walk to the school. I didn't go to the school on my own adgenda I took him to the playground and allowed him to play for twenty minutes and then I tried to take him home. And finnally we arrived at home. I know it is important to spend quality time with all my children, sometimes it seems impossible. God gave me these children to cherish and that is what I want to do.

1 comment:

Trail Rider said...

Sounds like a good day!