Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Our life group is starting to study the "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. I just happen to of been given the book, a couple years ealier. I am choosing to study this book for the forty days, that is required to read this book one chapter at a time, I am good at starting things but I need to learn the endurance part of studing till the end, forty days was signicicant in the Bible for many spiritual purposes. Can all you friends who are reading this blog help me stay committed to sticking this out so that I may encounter God in a new and amazing way as I discover what his purpose for me is.
The first week is : What on earth am I here for?
A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump, a God shaped life is a flourishing tree. Proverbs 11:28
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord... they are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they go right on producing delicious fruit.Jeremiah17:7-8


For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible...everything got started with him and finds it purpose in him . Colossians 1:16

Focusing on ourselves will never reveal our lifes purpose. An inventer is a creator who makes things, with a purpose, if saw something new you may have your own ideas of what it could be. Without asking the inventor we wouldn't know his disires for the things he created. We need to ask the creator to help us understand what we were made for.

I knew Josiah was going on a field trip to the hospital for the carnival, he forgot something. He forgot his medic alert bracelet, this particular item was designed so that if he was lost, it would speak for him. There is a phone number is a 24 hour service if he is found they could phone me and tell me where Josiah was. If he doesn't wear it and he gets lost, there is no purpose in even having this item, He needs to wear it in order for it to help him. I ran this item to the school just in case, something happened. Today everything went well.

Everyday I decide whose team I am on, I can put on my own selfish identy or the God like identy in my heart. If I want purpose I need God. I need to remind myself that my identy doesn't come from how I look, how successful I am, how funny I am, what my kids or my husband thinks about me. Again I remind myself that It all starts with..................JESUS CHRIST, MY SAVIOR, MY REDEAMER, AND MY LOVER. My life started with him and my purpose comes from him. Lord help me find purpose in YOU.

I am your Creator, you were in my care before you were born. Isaiah 44:2a

He loves me as if there were only one of me, one person on the earth to love. He really really loves me and I can't imagine, how much, and what is this kind of love is really like. Sometimes I think I do but I know I don't. I was loved by him before I was created, and then he created me out of love.

Question to ponder

I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of mypersonality, background and phsical appearance am I stuggling to accept? I feel fat and unsexy, I don't think my husband thinks I am beautiful, he never tells me that I am beautiful or sexy. Am I really that ugly? One of my children thinks I have ugly hair, I heard it once lately. The doctor tells me I am fat and need to loose weight and then I am given pills that make it harder to control my appitite and fat gain is easier then loss. I want to exercise but it really hasn't showen me results. So I feel frusterated and give up. Then God says he created me this way, does he really love me, fat and all. Why would God create ugly people? Or do I have this all wrong.

How can I accept who I am? What God think beauty is? How can I think the way God really thinks? So I have lots to think about and many purposes to find. God help me to believe I am not an accident and I am beautiful to him I think.

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