Friday, May 16, 2008

Be Thou my Vision

I am without glasses and this is really difficult to see anything. You can't realize how difficult it is to see until you are without your glasses. When Josiah's glasses were broken I wanted him to go to school, his prescription is way worse then mine. Being without glasses really does make it more difficult to think to balance and everything. I need Christ to be my strenght during this time, I feel headaches at times, I really need his strenght. It should help me see better the doctor gave me a higher prescription, he said I would be able to drive better at night, ha ha.

In a spiritual sense, even though I know God, I have a blurred sense of where to go when I am without my time with God. I want to have a break from the light when my eyes are getting unclear signals. I have taken to many breaks from spending time with God. I need to find my way. Thy word is a lamp unto my path, when I put the word as a priority, and meditate on it I am getting vision in the direction that I want to move, then I will not stumble and fall. And the Lord becomes the Lord of all.

I need to take more medicaton I am now back up to 20 ml of prednizone and 150 ml of immuran and all the other pills. I am frusterated that I am not healed completly although I realize that I have been healed along the way I no longer need a liver transplant anytime soon. And only God can do that.

Last summer was really crazy I need wisdom and strength to do and see things the way God would like me do to things. I do believe that we would like to do homeschooling and have family devotions I haven't found a devotional that will work yet. Although we have started the schooling for some days where Stephen is working and we need some work to keep their minds and hands busy. May the Lord give me strenght and vision for the summ

1 comment:

Nin said...

wanted to tell you this morning that your hair looks really nice! It suits you and looks nice and cool for summer :)